• A Dynamic duo

  • A Dynamic duo

  • A Dynamic duo

  • A Dynamic duo


Growing vines and making good wine: this is what I wanted to do when I grew up and, as soon as I grew up (at 26 you can say you're already grown up, right?) I opened my own winery.

I'm not a child of art, dad and mom do something completely different in life, but I've always had a passion for viticulture: since I was a child I spent a lot of time in the vineyard with my grandparents. First, I obtained a diploma from the Oenology School of Alba, then a degree in Viticulture and Oenology and, after work experience abroad, I chose to return home and start doing my dream job. By myself.

As for the land, I inherited some vineyards from my maternal grandparents, including the old vines of the Capalot cru, whereas for the cellar, there is the grandparents' cellar - intended as a garage under the house, not as a space used for making wine!

When my peers were buying a new car with the first money they earned, I bought barrels and other equipment for the vineyard and winemaking; when my friends were signing their first rental contract to live alone or to live together, I signed the contract to rent a new vineyard. 

Many sacrifices were and are made, but knowing that around the world there are people who drink the wines I make and taste Langhe and La Morra inside, repays me for all my efforts...and now, my sister Caterina is also here to help me!


As a child I imagined my future far away from the vineyards. When in the summer, after school, I happened to have to work together with my brothers and grandmother in the vineyard, I asked myself: why aren't we at the seaside on holiday?

When it was time to choose which university to attend I didn't have clear ideas, but I knew that learning foreign languages would have taken me far. At the end of the three-year course in Linguistic Sciences, something inside me changed... spending three years away from Langhe made me open my eyes and understand the great fortune of living in this beautiful area.

In 2018 I approached the winery, initially taking care of the tasks Alberto had less time to focus on (answering emails, receiving customers in the cellar, and looking for new business contacts) until I later immersed myself in viticulture and enology with great curiosity and desire to learn. 

Today, I dedicate myself above all to customers in the cellar and to business relations abroad, but depending on the season, you will also find me in the vineyard or in the cellar.

In the past

Luigi Roggero and Maddalena Oberto were our maternal grandparents: theirs was a life dedicated to agriculture, lived in a tough historical moment - after the Second World War - in which Langhe were more similar to that of the “Malora” by Beppe Fenoglio than to the Unesco World Heritage of today.

Despite being an all-round farmer, also busy with hazelnut groves and orchards, our grandfather Luigi always wanted to open a winery but the time wasn't right for him. However, this did not prevent him from contributing to the foundation of the Terre del Barolo wine cooperative, to which he contributed his grapes year after year.

Our grandmother Maddalena always supported him and encouraged him to seize the opportunities that arose and since 1999 it was she who managed all the lands, partly directly and partly by renting them to local producers.

We like to think that, many years later, we have managed to realize our grandparents' dream of having a family winery. We are very lucky to work in their vineyards and, even today, we feel their gaze watching over us and their words resurface in our minds.